How does Time Blocking work?

We all are distracted a bit, and some are on a considerable level. But have you ever wondered that how difficult it is to manage your time and devote it to your work and again at the same time balance personal life? xTimesheet knows that Tracking your Time is not an easy job that’s why we are here with a new concept called Time Blocking.
Time Blocking is a method in which your Whole productive day is divided into blocks of time when you have to devote yourself to work and nothing else. It prioritizes your workload and then divides it accordingly. For example, Emails we keep checking all day. In this Method of Time Blocking, we will keep 15mins of our Productive day to catch up on all the Emails and Phone calls, and notifications. Thus we are specifying a slot of time only for that activity.

Blocking out your time for a specified work is said to be more productive and that you can keep all your tasks and works finished at the end of the day. You can devote yourself to Deep work for some time and then again do all the shallow jobs all at a go. In this way, you are segregating the work and doing a similar type of work at a time. A sense of control develops with this time blocking as you can get to understand how much you want to devote to what and then achieve by completing it.

We all have a habit of multitasking, and it is found that the people who think can do multitasking end up doing nothing, and we don’t want to push you to that, so we are telling you not to multitask, rather keep time for each work and even for some personal work.

xTimesheet is a Time tracking website, and we will help our best to get you the best of your time. You have to trust us and the process, and then we are good to go!

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