Work Culture and the New Normal


COVID 19 has not only shaken the world but has devastated the work culture of all the companies around the globe. Technology, Arts, Commerce, and even Business fields are affected by the backlash of this Virus. But what about the New Normal? When will things get back to how it was before? Or will we never be able to get back to the lives we were once comfortable with? Companies worldwide have adapted to Work from Home policies, but that means that we always work from Home. In this situation, most of the deals are getting locked from the employees’ living rooms, and most of the Work calls either in virtual meetings or Phone calls in no way Normal. It seems that the world is facing the Most Adverse situation right now.

Thus, once we are free from the Virus’s shackles, Work will resume, but what kind of work culture will the Companies boost for their Employees? Will it mostly be the Work From Home type? Since new strains of the Virus are hitting the earth every day, we have to be prepared to get life from Home. That means Prominent will be those companies who will ask their employees to work from Home in need and thus will have access to things digitally. Companies will engage in Innovating and continuous thinking modules where the Employees will be given deadlines and at the same time will be asked to think innovatively. Now they have to step back a bit to take the giant leap every company aspires to take. Thus, Employees will be the tools that will help in this leap. The New Normal will be easy, but xTimesheet is always an extra guard over whatever is happening. We know the problems, and thus we provide you with est Solutions, just like your Best Friend. If we could survive the Virus together, we are sure we can stay the New Normal with ease, and You are the Warrior in the New Normal, so get ready for the Bigger battle of life called Work!

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