How to use COVID-19 for the good of the business?

There is nothing that could be said to express this agony. The kind of loss each one of us has faced in our personal and the dejection is subjective. COVID-19, even after being gone, is going to stay with us for a long time as an excruciating memory and a tiresome lesson. Like in case of a calamity, we can do nothing about it but to emerge stronger. In the business world, this pandemic can be used for good. There have been people who have benefitted with the right mindset and positive attitude.

Some real-life business tips to a boon from the novel coronavirus are:
COVID-free space: Quite obviously, everyone is trying to keep away from people they don’t know. And to achieve this, they are either staying at home or finding less known places and visiting. To use this aspect, if one is looking to set up a brick and mortar business, places that are less known and the ‘long-cut’ routes will be a beneficial option. Try and find lands that are being walked upon more often during the pandemic and were a no man’s zone before it.

Breed the Need: Yes, COVID-19 has taken many jobs and swallowed the bread and butter of employees from multiple sectors. On the contrary, it has given rise to many new livelihood options, too. If planning to start something new amongst this chaos, why not begin with something that is in demand at the moment. Not all of us can prepare the vaccine, but we can sure try something smaller and easier. Right now, good business options would be sanitary products, masks, gloves, and face shields; an online grocery store, food delivery store, confectioners; etcetera.
Spread the word: During these times, people are more digitally connected than ever. This is the right time to get the info out and let your business be known to others. Managing a social media account and contacting local newspapers and media channels is highly recommended. It is a cheap and effective option.

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