3 Things we Don’t Know about Remote Working

People around us get extremely happy and Content when spoken about Remote Working—not waiting for 9-8 every day, not being uncomfortable in Office Formals, and being comfortable at Home. Well, there are three things we bet if you had known before, you would have hated Remote Working for now and forever. xTimesheet is always a supporter of Remote working because of the Global Pandemic, but we feel that there have to be some adversities, no doubt! Let’s look into them now:


Getting a job can be the best thing that has happened to a person, but do you know that about 50% of your everyday work and even your growth depends on your Mentor! Yes, you heard it right. Your Mentor places a very vital and essential role in making you a better Employee, no doubt. The Relationship between an Employee and a Mentor is not there at all while working from Home. From learning new skills to making mistakes, these Mentors make or break your path, and for the Remote Working, we are not having that much exposure with our Mentors, which is a Negative!

Mental Health

Being alone can raise many problems like being Isolated and then Depression and Anxiety, and these are rising to massive levels after Remote Working has become the only way out. But Doctors say that being in a stable environment and then only having own company can lead to problems like weakening Mental Stability and Anxiety. The office was a place where people used to meet and chit-chat and had Office Pals. This is also affecting our Mental Health a lot.

Physical Fitness

Being Physically Fit is like the Best gift you can gift yourself. Being fr can save you from an ample amount of problems. But with the Remote working style, everyone is facing fitness issues. For how long will you walk between the rooms and go to the terrace? It is never the same as that of going to the office and staying there and returning. This is one major issue, and Doctors feel that until we treat the Pandemic, we will have 60% of people who will become Obese.


Well, we know that those were some astonishing facts for you! But we also can understand what the world is going through right and now we are our Helpers. Only we can help ourselves from the problems mentioned above. xTimesheet acknowledges your pain and says Thank you to our Frontline Workers. Once we are over with this, I hope Remote Working becomes a choice, and many of us can get back to our Offices.

Ways how Time Tracking is the Best Solution for Time Theft

We are in the 21st Century where Time is our Biggest Friend, Companion again Enemy. We seem o work in a way and Time never seems to Compromise to that. Now there are many Millennial words like LIT; Slay is Time Theft one of those Milinial Words? Well, not really!

Time Theft refers to the Stealing of a Company’s Time by any Employer. Now the question is, How? The answer is pretty simple; we sometimes notice some people taking extra breaks for Tea and Coffee and can be seen to return to the desk after quite an extended period. Time Theft is referred to as stealing Time for which the Employee is paid, but the work isn’t done. Now, what are its solution?

xTimesheet is a platform where you get to stop these Time Thefts by using Time Tracking Methods. The Simple process being used to the usage and the working of Time Tracking can serve as a friend who never cheats you. Time Tracking puts down the basics of Time Theft like Buddy Punching y, which a Friend punches in for another while the other isn’t even present. Time Tracking has Biometric systems by which only the person’s fingerprint will match to his own and no one else.

Sometimes we see that employees go for long breaks for lunch and return late. Tine Tracking helps you here. By installing a GPS, you can track down the exact location of your Employee. Your Employee might tell you that the project is going well in Time. But why believe anyone? You have access to Real-Time Checking of your Project on Time.

We at xTimesheet understand the loss a company incurs when their Employees start Time Theft. So we stand beside you for bettering it up. We can help you with all the tools required for the perfect Time Tracking. Yes, we got your back always!

Into the Depth of Invoicing and the Benefits of E-Invoicing

When we jump into the World of Businesses, there are specific terms that we come across, and Invoice is one of them. It is a Document that helps keep clarity between the Client and the User about the Transactions happening and helps calculate a company’s Accounts. Now many opine that why do we take E invoices? They feel more comfortable in Pen and paper ones rather than any E-service provided to them.
Now when we can talking about Environment and going with the flow, we believe that since the World is moving to an Electronic mode where every transaction and every other detail in our day-to-day lives are happening virtually, why not for Invoices? Those days are gone when we used to stand in the queues for hours and then get a signature to submit our invoices. Now we are moving forward both as a nation and as a generation, so why not avail of the E-invoice? Xtimesheet has always been progressive-minded, and so we have always helped in the forward jump of society. Yes, the problem may avail for some days but not forever. All of the issues can be solved if worked together.
If we avail the eInvoices, the safety and privacy of the documents will remain to the User and will not be seen by others. Also, the costs and errors that are possible in Man-made services can be overcome with this. No worries of whether the rates and the prices are to the point will come to our Minds. Also, we can stop the delaying of payments and other troubles which are faced in Physical Invoices.
Thus xTimesheet will help you get into the new Technology and will always stand by your side. It would help if you lent your hand in the upbringing of a Technology Child. We believe that man can do anything if appropriately taught.

How to Stop your Employees from Procrastinating?

The World Today is a Busy place for sure, but Thanks to Technology, the load on us Humans have decreased to a great level. But with the decrease of Added pressure on us, there has been a tendency of people to Procrastinating. Also, with the COVID 19 virus hitting the world and Work from Home terminologies starting where 90% of the Working people are working from HomeHome has made our Procrastinating habit increase to a level. Now we tend to postponed meetings and prefer just lying around the house. But this in no way is the Future of the World. Then what is the way out? Now Scientists have given us pretty several such layouts, which are genuinely speaking not possible in various ways. xTimesheet helps you to get rid of this habit and make life a bit more happening for all of us. So let’s see what we can do.

Being Productive: Staying at Home, we have become so lazy that when in the morning we get up, we tend to get irritated that another day arrived. We have to attend all the Online Meetings again and Listen to the Jabberings. Yes, we understand, but since the world is under a disease, we have o fight it together. You can do your bit by waking up Productive. Start your day with a positive mindset and think about the positives of being at home. If you start being productive and plan out your day, it will be better for you the whole day.

Understand your Weaknesses: We all have weaknesses, and we tend to hide them away from Society. This is the time to search all those old wardrobes of defects and start working on them. I know it isn’t easy but think about the positives of a Work From Home Situation where you can work on the backlogs and make yourself a better person for sure.

Say Goodbye to Social Media: Social Media has many advantages, but it has significant disadvantages. So take a break from seeing other people getting bored at home and trying out 100types of Coffee and Smoothies. Instead, focus your mind on how you can take out the best of the situation. Learn new skills and boost up yourself.
So these were some of the best ways you can stop your habit of Procrastinating. Xtimesheet has your back constantly, and to help you be a better and active person, we will advise you on new things and new ways.

Breaking the Myths “Time Tracking is only about Saving Time.”

There is a Popular saying in the Working World, “Time Is Money,” it is! Now it depends on the person how he wants to spend his working hours. Some strategize from the beginning and then work according to a plan and try to stick to it. At the same time, others make abrupt decisions on abrupt timings.

Well, we can’t say he is correct, and he isn’t. All that matters is the Work done and the Productivity of the work. xTimesheet is a well-known name in the Global Time Tracking Industry, and we come to you to break the shackles of some Myths that cover up your Mind. One of the Major being Time Tracking is only about Saving Time. We know the industry, and so we can confirm that it isn’t anything like that.

Time Tracking is a tool by which you can track down your or your employee’s workhour and how efficient he has been the whole day. But it also helps in many ways as it helps in Strategising a plan, Serving production to the clients, and is helpful for the Long run.

Research says that an average person can work 5-6 hours in an Office giving his best for the company. Also, we can any person work 8hours in a stretch and then take no reaks, no recreations. We all Humans, so the work we choose can be done efficiently if we intend to do so. It doesn’t always have to take 5hours to laborious work to complete a given task.

We can work smart and produce the result in an hour or so. It depends on the mindset we are engaging in. Time Tracking helps the Employer get a brief of the work done by every employee regularly and places he needs a Pat on his Back and areas he needs help. Saving time is a part of it, but not the whole thing is about it.

We can do many things just by Tracking up and correctly planning time.
xTimesheet is a pioneer in the industry, and we promise to serve you the best by managing your 25hours in a way that doesn’t make you work too hard, but at the end of the day, it’s Results that Matter! We promise to achieve that for you and with you!

Ways to Develop a Healthy yet Productive Workspace

Health is a term we often come across, but health always doesn’t imply Physical Well-being or Mental Well-being. It also means to the Environment we are staying in and the Environment we are working at! 21st Century Workplaces are keener on the rat race rather than keeping a check on the healthy Environment of the Workspace. Now the question comes: how do we keep our Workspace healthy and thus increase the Office’s Productivity? To help you walk in this journey, xTimesheet will always hold your hand, helping you choose the correct workspace thoughts and keeping a well-connected bridge between the Employer and the Employees.

Firstly we can promote the importance of Mental and Physical health in the Office. Allowing the employees to take care of their own and their colleagues’ wellness will unite them a bit more. Working out on Yoga sessions and free checkups of Blood Sugar, Pressure and Weight can help them be more concerned about their health, thus promoting a healthy culture! Team Building activities that engage all the team members to take equal parts in every decision and make things work together will move the workplace an inch closer to be a more productive one. Engaging in Break concepts where employees and employers can discuss their common topic of interest and share their opinion about life will make their work seem more manageable, and they will feel relaxed. Also, considering a Clean and Green Workspace is essential, especially in the Atmosphere of Dust and Smoke. All the Employees and the Employers have to take one step at a time from their side to make their Workspace safe for both Men and Women. Safety of Rights and Morals and Values are as important as the safety of Individuality. If we promise to work together, no one can stop us from doing so, but the only roadblock is we have to understand each other and solve things together as a unit. Xtimesheet knows the hurdles which can be faced doing these, but we are sure to hold your hand till the end of the Road! You can trust us as others did!

Post-Pandemic Team Management, Will it be a Big Deal?

COVID 19 virus changed the Human race to a huge extend. It brought those changes in our Lives which we never expected will ever come. People were locked down in their own houses; some lost their dear ones while some fought a tough battle to get back their Dear ones. This Turbulent situation of society has lead to many mental and physical problems. Now the question is Post Pandemic will there be any change in the Behavioural case of our Employees? xTimesheet stands beside the people who have fought a big battle, and we feel that this virus changed many genres of the Human Playlist.

Will, the Role of Managers in the New Normal, change entirely, or will it be the same? Well, there will be changes; nothing will be the same. We as a world have lost the pace of Movement for about 5years. Yes, we are going 5years backward. So there are certain things that Managers have to keep in mind in the new Normal.

The First thing to keep in mind is to enhance the mental well-being of our Employees. There have been many changes in each person’s life, so coming back to what it was like before will be a difficult task for sure. So the managers have to talk it out with their employees, understand the problems they face, tell them the positives of this, and encourage them to forget the past and go for the future.

Secondly, incurring Flexibility in the Work. Not pressurizing yet making things done will be the sign of a good manager. He has to understand how a person wants to work and thus give him that opportunity to give his best.

Lastly, Communication is vital. After the Worldwide Lockdown, man has now forgotten the tools of Communication. Staying at Home, working on his Laptop, he has forgotten how to gossip about things with colleagues or even talk in a group discussion.

xTimesheet thinks that Managers in the New Normal will act as the guide for a better future. For that, we will always go hand in hand.

5 Best Time Management Apps just For Small to Medium Bussiness Owners

The Internet is a Vast place, we seem to get lost several times, but have you ever thought, what if someone showed you the correct path every Time you get lost? Yes, you just guessed it right. We at xTimesheet know the problems you face, and that’s why we are so eager to help you out. There are so many Small and Medium Bussiness Owners who need help setting up their business and giving it a direction, but in the long run, they sometimes get entirely lost as to which apps to follow and which we should avoid! Here are 5 Best Time Management Apps for all those wanderers to give their business and their thought shape.

Slack(https://slack.com/intl/en-in/): If you are thinking about collaborating with other companies and increasing your reach, you must follow Slack. They have three options for their Users. The First one is for Free, which includes small business collabs and small teams, the second is Standard which is just $6.67 a month for One User, and the Third is Plus at $12.50 per month, which includes the full benefits of collaborating with the best in the lot.

xTimesheet(https://xtimesheet.com/): xTimesheet is also a part of the Time Management Ea, which gives you options like Tracking your Monthly expenses, Automation, gives you Invoices, and helps you get into the business quickly. The Best plans are two for this Website, the First is Free, which allows all the users to use the minimal features, and the second is the Pro feature which is at a meager cost of $5 a month. You can get the view of the Industry from Within!


Evernote(https://evernote.com/): Evernote is an excellent app for taking notes. They have featured Templates using which you can build your messages. It can understand your handwriting and helps you find your documents easily at a touch. The app is Free for Users and can be downloaded at your convenience.

Toggl(https://toggl.com/): This is a Flexible app that helps you in Time Management and breaks down the Time into pieces according to the Client, Project and the Work Assigned. It has 3 Plans, Starter, which is $9 per Month; Premium, $18 per month; and Enterprise, customized and designed according to your needs.

Wrike(https://www.wrike.com/teams/product-management/?r=Yesa5wVa): If you are Starting a Business, this is an App it will not only help you move in the journey, but they also have pre-designed Dashboards to quicker your process of completing a task. They have 3 Plans for their Users, First Professional, a Free Plan, Bussiness incurs $24.80 per month, and Enterprise, designed according to your needs.

5 Best Apps which aid for a Better Mental Health

                         "The only journey is the journey within."
                                                                                                 Rainer Maria Rilke.

As a race, we have always been fighting battles within ourselves, sometimes from our Expectations and sometimes from thinking about what the future holds for us. It’s fundamental human nature to overthink the securities in his life and that we as a race are never happy with what we have. Dissatisfaction and the need to do more have led us to choose the path of Anxiety and Depression.xTimesheet is aware of Mental Illness and thus puts a hand forward to help those in trouble. Now, what best can we do to help our friends cope up with these? We have Technology, and that is our Friend. It will do its part, so here are the five best apps to take care of your Mental Health.

Breathe2Relax: This app is a Stress management App that helps the user breathe according to a pattern, lower his stress level, stabilize his mood, and manage anxiety. It helps you feel good and reduces the chances of you getting hyperactive. This app can e downloaded on Android or iOS.

Talkspace: Talkspace is a platform that helps users to get connected to Doctors all around the world. We have seen that Mental Illness increases because the person has no one to talk to, so he feels unhappy and lonely. Not anymore. Medical representatives are listening to your problems and thus calming you.


Optimism: This is an App that keeps overall care of your body. It helps your self-track whether you are suffering from Depression, Bipolar activities, and anxiety. It has specific parameters that allow you to find the correct problem to be diagnosed and feel better. They have customized Wellness plans to help you cope with the situation.

MindDoc: MindDoc is a beautiful app that keeps track of your mood and the change of behavior. It has a range of exercises and helps you check what you feel right now and how many times you feel the same? Keeping a Check o yourself is the best solution for any problem on earth.

Big White Wall: This is a Community that is served to people as an Application. People worldwide speak about how they feel currently, and one person in fear can best understand another’s fear. So this app is excellent for people speaking up things and getting support from unknown people who will neither judge nor talk behind your back.
So these were the 5 Best Apps for your Brain. Mental Illness is a Disease and can be cured only by Doctors. Our Technology friend helps if you are in the early stages to help you get better.

xTimesheet salutes all those around the world; you are fighting Mental Illness without breaking down. You are True Heroes!

The Essence of Time Tracking

                           “Time is what we want most but what we use worst.”

                                                                                                William Penn

Time and moving according to it can be the most important yet the most challenging Work in the world. Time seems to fly away like anything, and once it doesn’t, no machine can bring it back. We aspire to be many things in life, but do we understand that the critical ingredient is time to achieve these. Thus Time Tracking in Today’s World becomes so essential. xTimesheet is the Best place for time tracking; we help you maintain sheets and time in the same manner. Time tracking enables you to sort out your daily lives and work according to a plan. Ten years from now, you just can’t wonder where did all my time go away? That’s why we have your back always!

The Basic Works of a Time Tracker track what Work you are doing throughout the day to set timers accordingly. This helps you to properly use the time and complete the works given to you. We know it is impossible to be on a schedule all through the year. That’s why we respect your ME time, and we feel every individual should spend some time knowing himself/herself. Managing Time and Work can be the most Superior Work, and people worldwide go on practicing for years to attain mastery in this field. Some Succeed while others fail. But xTimesheet doesn’t want you to work throughout the journey of your life managing Time. Leave that Work on us. We are capable of managing the right time for you, and that’s why we believe in you. Time Trackers help save time and help in the proper payroll, and gives the correct data to the authorities. Tracking time can also help in increasing your Productivity. SO what are you waiting for? Start saving and Tracking your Time Today!