3 Things we Don’t Know about Remote Working

People around us get extremely happy and Content when spoken about Remote Working—not waiting for 9-8 every day, not being uncomfortable in Office Formals, and being comfortable at Home. Well, there are three things we bet if you had known before, you would have hated Remote Working for now and forever. xTimesheet is always a supporter of Remote working because of the Global Pandemic, but we feel that there have to be some adversities, no doubt! Let’s look into them now:


Getting a job can be the best thing that has happened to a person, but do you know that about 50% of your everyday work and even your growth depends on your Mentor! Yes, you heard it right. Your Mentor places a very vital and essential role in making you a better Employee, no doubt. The Relationship between an Employee and a Mentor is not there at all while working from Home. From learning new skills to making mistakes, these Mentors make or break your path, and for the Remote Working, we are not having that much exposure with our Mentors, which is a Negative!

Mental Health

Being alone can raise many problems like being Isolated and then Depression and Anxiety, and these are rising to massive levels after Remote Working has become the only way out. But Doctors say that being in a stable environment and then only having own company can lead to problems like weakening Mental Stability and Anxiety. The office was a place where people used to meet and chit-chat and had Office Pals. This is also affecting our Mental Health a lot.

Physical Fitness

Being Physically Fit is like the Best gift you can gift yourself. Being fr can save you from an ample amount of problems. But with the Remote working style, everyone is facing fitness issues. For how long will you walk between the rooms and go to the terrace? It is never the same as that of going to the office and staying there and returning. This is one major issue, and Doctors feel that until we treat the Pandemic, we will have 60% of people who will become Obese.


Well, we know that those were some astonishing facts for you! But we also can understand what the world is going through right and now we are our Helpers. Only we can help ourselves from the problems mentioned above. xTimesheet acknowledges your pain and says Thank you to our Frontline Workers. Once we are over with this, I hope Remote Working becomes a choice, and many of us can get back to our Offices.

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