Beat the ‘Work from Home’ isolation blues

Our work gives us goals in life, keeps us motivated and high spirited, but sometimes it might just make you feel isolated and lonely if you’re someone who is permanently working from home for years or is trying to adapt to it. The laptop lifestyle, more than being a privilege, is becoming a problem. Thus, here are five tips for you to keep up with the Isolation blues when you’re working from home.

Plan to work outside of the house- Working from home gives a lot of advantages and relaxation, but it can also fill you with loneliness and isolation due to the lack of human interaction. People develop habits of sitting and working in the same space day after day, making work-life monotonous. You can get rid of this dull lifestyle by merely switching to a new work environment. Find another place outside of the house that helps you concentrate and gives you that inspiration you were looking for. It can be a cafe, a friend’s place or even a park.

Schedule Video Conferences- Video conferencing is the easiest and most practiced way to stay connected in today’s world. Get your clients, co-workers, even friends that aren’t related to your work on video chats. Emails are necessary, and they serve the purpose of communicating pretty well, but nothing can replace a face to face interaction. It’s easy to explain, understand, and discuss topics in video conferences. It can help in avoiding unnecessary waste of time and confusion, also can be a savior in the times when you feel isolated.

Join or build a group or community- Building or joining a group related to your interest can help you keep away from the feeling of isolation. These groups can be work-related or anything that enables you to keep up with your hobby. Sharing things from your everyday life, such as pictures of your plants or pets or books and movie recommendations, can be very refreshing. People with varied skills can share tips and teach one another so much. One must look forward to being a part of such groups if you feel a lack of human interaction and connection.

Reach out to your co-worker’s- If you’re someone who is permanently working from home and don’t meet your co-workers regularly, then finding people who work in the same organization and spending time with them can help you beat that quarantine feels. They don’t need to be from the same department as yours. So, don’t just phone a friend, but find a friend.

Schedule your day- This is one of the most difficult to follow, but it’s essential to recognize how crucial it is to keep up with a schedule even if you don’t visit an office daily. Working from home is not like you need to sit with a laptop until midnight. Plan out your day for other important activities. Planning out things in advance can help you in keeping your work and personal life separate which will give you time to meet and be around people.

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