Teamwork is Good Work!

Talent wins matches, but talent along with teamwork wins battles. A good team is not the one whose each member is well-versed in one thing or another rather, a good team is the one whose each member knows his/her teammates well, their weaknesses and strengths. Team collaboration and teamwork are highly required in a healthy and effective office environment. But they are not the same. Different scenarios and different tasks need different approaches. A team should be able to figure that out as one whole and work together to find ways to cross that hurdle.

To build a healthy team, the basic step is communication. Every teammate should feel that he has enough space to express his thoughts amongst his team members. This burden falls upon all the other teammates. There should be a proper, effective transfer of knowledge. Respect for every individual and emotional intelligence should be considered to be essential elements in this aspect. A lot of responsibilities are for the leads or the managers when accomplishing teamwork. If the leader knows how to manage, a debilitating team could also be brought back to place. xTimesheet comes handy during such times. It helps the employees be aware of his/her team. This allows everybody to stay on the same page and fill in for a team member if he/she lacks somewhere.

A good team means well-organized problem-solving. Every task gets divided into fragments and turns into numerous, smaller tasks, which are easier to finish. The number of team members is directly proportional to the number of ideas. Moreover, a broader perspective offers easy prototyping. Everybody gets to be a part of the final equation. This helps in acquiring a healthy and warm workplace atmosphere. If there are no unnecessary trifles and cold wars between employees, the total focus is on work chores. When directly implied, this means an increase in productivity.
xTimesheet makes all this possible. It helps to set goals and expectations for the teams to achieve. It allows everyone to be aware of each other’s statuses. If you are willing to attain comfortable work hours and build a powerful team, xTimesheet could act as the perfect catalyst.

Perks of Employee Time Tracking

What is better than setting goals? On a sarcastic tone, achieving one would be pretty nice, would it not? But, how to accomplish this if the employee is submerged with work up to his collar? A known and straightforward solution is to plan a better schedule. With the kind of flourishing work (which is a good thing, indeed), to be motivated to work and complete a daily lineup is a tough job. And, workload and heaps of pending work lead to lack of motivation, which leads to distraction and unproductivity. The employees’ mental health and well being are also affected. To keep all of us in check, time tracking should be practiced.

Even the tiniest entities of any firm should learn to manage their work-life. The sad reality is that the employees themselves are not aware of the differences time tracking can make in their lives. There should be proper awareness programs within the corporations to help the employees and the corporations themselves, benefit from this beautiful and comfortable technique.

As banal as it sounds, it is an essential attribute. To make this cliche task easier, xTimesheet allows the users to track time and be aware of their daily schedules. It helps him/her plan a day, set goals, find out which products need more attention and which are the ones that are being overworked upon. This way, the employee can quickly figure out the areas where time wastage is happening and what all departments need more effort and hours. This simple application makes time tracking and hence, time management possible. With a better time organization, the employees will be able to finish their work on time and stay ahead of their schedule. This also helps them to find some leisure time and prevents them from becoming a doleful worker. If the employee is happy, the workplace has an air that is filled with zeal, enthusiasm, and productivity.

Why is Emotional Intelligence important for a successful business?

Now, everyone has heard and is aware of the term IQ (Intelligence Quotient). There exists a sister entity to IQ, called EQ or the Emotional Quotient. Emotional Quotient or Emotional Intelligence or Emotional Leadership or Emotional Intelligence Quotient is the ability of a person to be aware of and manage his/her as well as other’s emotions. It is still a less heard of the term, let alone known. The less it is known, the more it is important. EQ forms a very important element of healthy and productive professional environments. Good EQ is directly proportional to peaceful interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships. It is important for a lot of factors, like:

Leadership: If any employee can understand what he/she and his/her team needs to progress in the right direction, that person should be able to manage the team effectively. EQ allows the leader to be empathetic towards the team and vice versa. This way, everybody knows where to fill in for others and where they need to pull back. Everybody understands their tasks better, and this saves trifles and cold wars amongst employees, which are mere distractions.
Mental Health: Many times, what happens is that the person he/she cannot narrow down to the issue that bothers him/her. With a generous EQ, this problem is solved. Not only the person understands but also tackles the issue, which results in effective working. Office quarrels are saved.

Growth: The blessing of being able to recognize one’s feelings should always be valued. Unfortunately, only a handful of people know how to do this. To crack this chest open, there should be awareness programs run in the office premises on this particular topic. There should be more and more people educated in it. A healthy office atmosphere will lead to high success rates.

xTimesheet is an inexpensive and helpful approach regarding this issue. It makes the job easy and improves the progress graphs. It allows uncomplicated solutions to such problems and makes the working air optimistic and homely.

Why do Bookkeeping and Tracking Time go hand in hand?

There’s cut-throat competition for everything in today’s world, and the last thing one would want is to be swindled. That’s why bookkeeping or keeping a tab on the financial transactions forms the backbone of a corporation. It not only creates an integral part but also is a delicate department. With the numerous tasks that show up in this procedure, one can quickly lose track of time. To avoid getting caught up in this mess, xTimesheet allows efficient tracking of time.

The firms that have a great number of clients, and have to deal with multiple of them regularly have a lot to keep up. And, if they are not managing their time well, by being everywhere and nowhere truly, several big and small tasks are spoiled. The various companies with their varying rapports, all need individual attention. And with this kind of overwhelming schedule, it is only human to botch up the accounts. If there is proper time-tracking happening, the accountant could know about the fumble and mistakes and also figure out if he is paying less attention to important firms and/or overworking on the ones that have been satisfied. Don’t bother thinking that xTimesheet would add to the list of chores. Instead, this digital time tracker is a piece of cake. You would not have to put in any extra effort to learn this application or figure out its functions. It works in the background. It will only be a blessing and no less.

Another icing on the cake of digital time-trackers is that it functions beyond time-tracking. Not every fish in the pond is the same. Not every client has the same billing rates and patterns. xTimesheet features personalization when it comes to this issue. Hourly billing and customization of the prices for differently paid employees are available. It makes this fuzzy task a pumpkin. Which, in turn, makes accounting easier.