COVID-19, apart from being one of the worst health crises in human history, has been a major disruptor of the markets & the commerce sector around the world. Social distancing has led to Lockdowns in major economic hubs, globally, giving birth to the widely popular concept of “Work-from-home”. And keeping the office-nostalgia apart, employers, as well as, their employees have embraced this concept wholeheartedly. This can be seen in a study by which states that by 2028 it is estimated that 73% of all departments will have remote workers. Apart from that, two-thirds of managers who offer telecommuting flexibility report that employees who work from home are overall more productive. This could be seen way before the COVID-19 pandemic took place, as Employers offering at least part-time telecommuting flexibility collectively save $44 billion each year.
On experiencing this massive boost in productivity & cost-saving, many tech-giants like TWITTER have been issuing statements like:
“The past few months have proven we can make that work. So if our employees are in a role and situation that enables them to work from home and they want to continue to do so forever, we will make that happen”
(Source: BBC news)
Among the emergence of this new work-culture, restructuring of small & medium scale business has never been more necessary. Coordinating a team in these turbulent times, especially with its members separated geographically, can prove to be a monumental task. This would require businesses to plan it’s time & resources strategically, along with keeping their staff motivated, in order to come out of this crisis, unscathed.
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